European Group Construction - IT Strategy, IT Operating Model and CIO Change

A new IT strategy and IT operating model to align with their updated corporate strategy and to prepare a CIO generation change.

European Construction Group - IT Strategy and IT Operating Model

Initial Situation

The company is well-positioned in the European market and offers specialized construction services, which differentiates the firm from the mass market in several areas. The corporate strategy foresees a push in M&A activities, driving operational excellence and digital transformation.

For IT, this represents a transformational change. Having been optimized towards overall IT costs, it now has to build capabilities and skills to support the updated business strategy while reducing technical debt and maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Challenges and opportunities in integrating European subsidiaries, establishing a strong IT governance, strengthening IT staff and leadership, performing a data center transformation, making decisions on the remaining lifespan of their core systems, IT security, and the broadening of IoT / vehicle IT initiatives are ahead.

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Overall Goal

The goal of the project was to develop a new future-oriented IT strategy and IT operating model, considering the following key points in particular:

  • Align with the overall corporate strategy
  • Reflect the needs and priorities of the business functions
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current IT landscape, the IT operating model as well as the context of architecture, IT sourcing, the project portfolio, and business / IT alignment
  • Derive scenarios to strengthen IT staff and leadership
  • Consider the identified challenges and opportunities in integrating European subsidiaries, establishing a strong IT governance, strengthening IT staff and leadership, performing a data center transformation, making decisions on the remaining lifespan of their core systems, IT security, and the broadening of IoT / vehicle IT initiatives
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Project Concept

The following approach has been taken to develop a new future-oriented IT strategy and IT operating model:

  • Settings session(s) with the core team for developing and driving the new IT strategy
  • Interviews with the board, IT leadership, IT management, and representatives of business functions
  • Analysis of the existing IT strategy and key documents, as well as a briefing workshop series with the IT executives
  • Design of an architectural target picture, depicting key elements and formulating vision, requirements, and the road to reach the target state
  • Development of an updated capabilities map and cornerstones for the IT operating model
  • Develop a strategic roadmap to implement the IT strategy and the corresponding IT operating model
  • Finalization and board sign-off of the formal IT strategy and target IT operating model
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Project Duration

The project length for developing a new future-oriented IT strategy and IT operating model was approximately 10 months.

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