Global Company Wood Industry - Independent As-Is Evaluation

An independent analysis & discussion of the newly developed IT strategy, benchmarks, and IT key metrics with the CIO.

Global Company Wood Industry - Independent Analysis

Initial Situation

The company has provided incredible growth in the wood industry in the last decades. From a local player, the footprint has increased to reaching different continents with production and sales.

The corporation has recognized the value of IT and digitalization early on. Correspondingly the corporate IT was able to grow in size and capabilities hand-in-hand with the business.

Challenges and opportunities in coping with future growth while staying cost-efficient, IT security, a transformation to SAP S/4HANA, and the broadening of industry 4.0 initiatives are ahead.

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Overall Goal

The goal of the project was to provide an independent analysis & discussion on the newly developed IT strategy considering the following key points in particular:

  • Understand whether the IT strategy has included the right priorities
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the current IT setup (architecture, sourcing, operating model)
  • Compare the corporation against common IT benchmarks and IT key metrics
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Project Concept

The following approach has been taken to provide an independent analysis & discussion of the newly developed IT strategy:

  • Settings session with CIO
  • Walkthrough with the CIO and analysis of the existing IT strategy and key documents
  • Comparison of the company against selected IT benchmarks and IT key metrics
  • Final discussion on the external review and particular topics of interest
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Project Duration

The project length for the independent analysis & discussion of the newly developed IT strategy, including benchmarks and IT key metrics, was approximately 6 weeks.

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